Index Example
appendix a
affirmation definitions - list, 258
appendix b
types of affirmation healing specialties
advanced technique affirmations - list, 263
structural affirmations - list, 262
types of affirmations
advanced affirmations - list, 261
structural affirmations - list, 260
appendix c
types of visualizations - list, 264
appendix d
affirmation healing programs - list, 266
printable worksheets - list, 266
appendix e
printable lists of affirmation words, 268
action words, 268
denial words, 274
energy words, 275
god words, 275
outcome words and phrases - condensed list, 271
outcome words and phrases - expanded list, 271
progressive words, 274
reference words, 268
support words
descriptive support words, 273
printable lists of affirmation words - support words, 273
time oriented support words, 273
appendix f
printable lists of health affirmations
adaptable affirmations, 296
additional miscellaneous affirmations - list, 306
affirmations of denial - introduction, 302
affirmations of denial - list, 302
affirmations that target specific parts or functions of the body
arthritis, 282
blood pressure, 282
breathing, 282
digestion, 284
hearing, 285
heart, 285
lack of energy, tiredness, 291
migraine headaches, 287
mobility/motion/movement problems, 287
muscles, 287
pain, 288
skin, 290
sleep, 290
throat, 293
tiredness, lack of energy, 291
vision, 294
weight, 295
affirmations that target the body as a whole, 278
god affirmations - introduction, 304
other diseases or conditions, 296
progressive affirmations - introduction, 297
progressive affirmations - list
progressive affirmations with multiple progressions, 300
progressive affirmations with one progression, 297
printable lists of health affirmations (general info), 276
appendix g
printable affirmation cards, 307
appendix h
about grace michael, spiritual healer and metaphysician, 317