ffirmation     ealing

Transform your life from illness, pain, and suffering into VIBRANT, GLOWING HEALTH    

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A place where you can come for healing,
guidance, comfort, and support.
     Grace Michael is a trained, experienced spiritual energy healer, using many different spiritual healing methods and tools to heal (info).      For more info about Grace click here.
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This site is committed to help those in need of healing
       It is devoted to promoting health, wellness, well-being, and happiness to those seeking healing. The focus is on using spiritual healing techniques to heal health issues. The information and techniques described throughout this site can also be used success­fully to heal financial and relationship issues.
       The methods and techniques described in this site are spiritual rather than material in nature. Spiritual healing techniques cannot be touched nor felt like a table or chair because they are forms of invisible energy used for healing, but you can feel the effects of these techniques.
       So many people think that spiritual healing is some kind of magic ... say a few words, have a connection with a Higher Power, and every­thing suddenly becomes all right. It really doesn’t work that way. In the many years I have researched, practiced, and studied spiritual healing techniques, I learned that spiritual healing is a science and a process that promotes and brings about healing just as medical healing is a science and a process that promotes and brings about healing. The differ­ence between the two is that
medi­­cal healing uses tangible sub­stances for healing such as medica­tions, braces, bandages, casts, splints, scalpels, and other types of equipment that you can see, feel, and touch to help the body to self-heal. Spiritual healing uses intangible substances for healing ... different forms of energy that can be made to work for us for healing. You can’t see the energy nor touch it but you can feel the effects of it when you use it for healing. It’s like electricity ... you can’t see it or touch it as you would a table or a chair, but you can make it work for you and feel its effects as it heals/cools rooms, operates machinery and appliances, and does other tasks for us.
       Neither medical healing nor spiritual healing really heal the body ... both assist the body to self-heal.
(Info) Affirmations are Energy in Action

Affirmations are combi­nations of thoughts and words that create energy that can and will heal. They are scientific methods proven to work.

Our bodies are truly amazing self-healing tools, but at times they become sick and need help to become well and stay well. This is where affir­mations come in. They can change existing energy and create new energy that heals. When you implant new ideas of health and healing into your con­sciousness through the use of affirmations, your body responds accordingly. It will correct malfunctioning in the body and move you toward health and wellness. This book explains how affimations work, what you should do, and how.
This site is not an end but a beginning
       God has given me much information, knowledge, and understanding about healing which I want to relay to those interested in self-healing. Towards this end, I am including a Blog and writing informative articles to additionally help guide those who are seeking healing. I am also available for spiritual counseling, consultation, and coaching via telephone; and to do healing work for you (info).
I am healthy in body, mind, 
and soul.
I feel great!
I receive and accept healing now.
Now is the best time
to be healed.

About This Site

Why This Book Is So Special …
    Affirmations are a highly effective healing tool that is simple and easy to use.
    Under the guidance of a Higher Power, I wrote the above pic­tured book, Affirmation Healing, A Guide to Self Healing. It will help those who are seeking healing to be able to heal themselves by using the tech­niques described in the book and which are proven to work.
    The book is all inclu­sive, telling everything you need to know to be­come healed. It lays a foundation for heal­ing, explains Spiritual Law and its role in healing, and gives new affirma­tion healing techniques given to me by the Higher Power.
    It took almost four years of my life to get this book together. I went into seclusion in order to work on it, putting the information together as it was given to me spiritually. Then I carefully tested every­thing to see if it worked, and it did. Many healings were realized, some of them are listed here.
    It is my hope that you will find this book
a means to healing yourself. And to those of you who have questions and need answers, I am always here to help you through counsel­ing, services and free healing work (info).
Grace Michael
Spiritual Healer and Metaphysician
March, 2011